
Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Well, I have just been sick as sick can get! For real though, lets review; Monday morning/ day: Wake up with sore muscles, shrug it off, go to work. Monday night: Get off of work feeling very ill, go home, take a bath. Tuesday morning: Wake up feeling somewhat sore. Go to school. Tuesday day: Feel mostly fine, just a little low on energy. Tuesday after school: Come home, receive devastating news. Go to library with friend. Very sore. Start shaking uncontrollably, become light headed. Go home, take bath. Take temperature, 101. Tuesday night: Go to bed feeling very ill. Wednesday morning: Wake up around 10, take medication. Wednesday day: take temperature. 102 Wednesday evening: Watch movies. Wednesday night: Temperature of 104, pass out, go to hospital. Now, I hate hospitals. They're my least favorite places. However, i hate needles more. I was in the hospital for 6 hours and had 3 needles shoved in my arm. I hated life. Thursday morning: Wake up. Still sick. Thursday day: take temperature. 103.2 Thursday evening: put ice on head. Try to recover. Thursday night: fever is down, still feel sick. Friday morning: wake up, sister leaves. Friday day: Pick up little brothers from neighbors house. Friday night: Dad comes home. Suddenly develop fever blisters, gingivitis, and fat lip. Saturday morning: wake up, can't eat anything. This continues on until night. Saturday night: take 20 minutes to eat a small taco. Pain. Sunday: dont eat all day. Monday: Go to doctor. tells me i have odd mouth disease called Thresh. Says fever was just untimely. Mom buys me ice cream and slurpee for sustenance. Monday night: feel very good. Tell dad to make tacos again. Cannot even eat one. Tuesday: I still hurt like crazy. So yeah, i hate life.

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